Marketing AI Adoption

Q1 2024 Trends

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AIMG’s “Marketing AI Adoption: Q1 2024 Trends” survey was conducted by AI Marketers Guild with the goal of shedding light on the current state of AI integration in marketing practices. As a reflection of industry trends and practices, the survey reached out to a diverse group of marketing professionals to understand the depth and breadth of AI usage across different roles and business areas.

Charts include:

The metrics marketers use for evaluating AI

Which AI tools marketers love the most

For which purposes marketers use AI in marketing

How marketers have integrated AI into their strategies


"We've reached a tipping point where AI has shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have for marketers. As these technologies continue to advance and more marketers build AI capabilities, we expect to see AI become deeply embedded in marketing processes and increasingly shape strategy and decision-making."

- David Berkowitz, Founder, 
AI Marketers Guild

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